
Serial No. Name Specification Co. Sl. No. Manufacturer
01 Electronic Total Station SOKKIA CX-65/S-C Calibration date: 12.04.2017 Validity 12 Months Distance: Accuracy With Prism: ± (2 + 2 ppm x D) mm YN0481 SOKKIA TOPCON CO. LTD LTD., Japan
02 Auto Level Model: B40-35 Product No.: 2110140A0 ±2.0 mm without micrometer 201957 SOKKIA TOPCON CO. LTD., China
03 GARMIN GPS (Handheld) Model: Etrex 30 Accuracy – 0.1m 2DV115109 Garmin Ltd.
04 Hawkeye SONAR System Model: PX (Handheld) Nor Cross Marine Products, Inc, USA
05 Water Current Meter Cup type with Electronic Digital Resettable time counter & LCD Display

Management Team

We are focused on engaging and motivating our people to give their best and to help them develop to their full potential. We offer comprehensive development programs, competitive employee benefits packages and progressive career programs. Some of our people programs and initiatives include: Coaching, development and learning, rewards and recognition, and encouraging employees to volunteer for community work.

Er. K. C. Adak, Retd. Ch. Er. PHE & GM.T. WBTDCL, Govt. W.B.

Er. K. C. Adak, Retd. Ch. Er. PHE & GM.T. WBTDCL, Govt. W.B.

HOD (Public Health & Eco Tourism Consultant)

Dr. Nishith Ranjan Mandal, Retd. Prof. IIT/Kharagpur

Dr. Nishith Ranjan Mandal, Retd. Prof. IIT/Kharagpur

HOD (Transport & Infrastucture Consultant)